
How Fuel Tax Credits Can Boost Perth SME’s Cashflow 

Managing cash flow is vital for the growth and sustainability of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).  One often overlooked avenue to boost cash flow is claiming Fuel Tax Credits.  Specifically, for Perth-based businesses, this article sheds light on understanding Fuel Tax Credits and how they can (through the Australian Tax Office) help your cash flow. 

What are Fuel Tax Credits? 

Fuel Tax Credits provide a financial incentive for businesses to use fuel more efficiently and environmentally friendly.  Essentially, you get money back for the fuel tax (excise or customs duty) included in the fuel price.  These credits aim to reduce the net fuel cost for business operations, thus potentially improving cash flow. 

What Types of Fuel Attracts the Fuel Tax Credit? 

Several types of fuel attract Fuel Tax Credits.  The most common types include: 

  • Diesel: Widely used in transportation and machinery, diesel often has one of the highest credit rates. 
  • Petrol: Although less commonly eligible than diesel, petrol used in off-road vehicles or machinery can qualify for credits. 
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG): Often used in heating and forklifts, LPG can also attract fuel tax credits. 
  • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): These fuels are also eligible for primarily used in heavy trucks and marine vessels. 
  • Kerosene and Heating Oil: These are less common but are still eligible if used in specific types of machinery or equipment. 
  • Alternative Fuels: Some biofuels and waste-derived fuels also attract Fuel Tax Credits but may be subject to different rates and rules. 

Consult the ATO or your Perth business accountant to determine the current rates applicable to each fuel type.  Doing so will help you accurately calculate how much you can claim, boosting your business cash flow. 

When Can a Perth Family Business Claim Fuel Tax Credits? 

Claiming Fuel Tax Credits can be a significant financial advantage for family-owned businesses in Perth.  However, not all fuel usage qualifies for these credits.  Here’s a more detailed look at the circumstances under which a Perth family business can claim Fuel Tax Credits. 

A family-owned business in Perth can claim Fuel Tax Credits if they engage in eligible business activities.  These vary widely but commonly include: 

  • Manufacturing: If your business involves manufacturing that requires machinery fuel, you can claim these credits. 
  • Transportation: Businesses involved in shipping, freight, or any logistical movement of goods can also benefit. 
  • Agriculture: Whether it’s operating tractors, irrigation systems, or other farm machinery, fuel used in agricultural activities is often eligible. 
  • Construction: Heavy machinery used in construction projects, such as excavators, cranes, and bulldozers can also attract Fuel Tax Credits. 
  • Marine Operations: Fuel used in boats or ships for business activities may also be eligible, provided it meets ATO criteria. 
  • Power Generation: If you’re using fuel to generate electricity or power on-site, you could claim back the fuel tax. 

What Vehicles and Equipment Enjoys a Fuel Tax Credit? 

Fuel Tax Credits are claimable when fuel is used in a range of vehicles and equipment, including but not limited to: 

  • Heavy Vehicles: Like trucks and buses over 4.5 tonnes GVM (Gross Vehicle Mass). 
  • Light Vehicles: Such as vans and smaller trucks that are travelling off-public roads for business activities.   This could include a minesite or a farm.   
  • Machinery and Plant includes specialized manufacturing, agricultural, or construction machines. 
  • Equipment: Various equipment like generators, pumps, and boilers also qualify for using eligible fuels.   This includes refrigerators on trucks and vans used on the road (even if the van is less than 4.5 tonnes). 

Special Conditions 

While the business activities and types of equipment noted above are commonly eligible, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) sets forth specific conditions that must be met.  For example, the fuel should not be used in light vehicles of 4.5 tonnes GVM or less travelling on public roads.  So it’s essential to understand the nuances of eligibility criteria. 

By thoroughly understanding these aspects, a family-owned business in Perth can accurately determine how much they can claim in Fuel Tax Credits, thereby boosting their cash flow.  When in doubt, consult a tax accountant specialized in this area to ensure you’re not missing out on valuable financial benefits. 

What is the Rate of Fuel Tax Credits? 

When it comes to Fuel Tax Credits, the rate at which you can claim isn’t uniform.  It’s contingent upon various elements that could influence the net amount in your business coffers.  Here’s a more in-depth look at these factors and how they impact your claim rate. 

Type of Fuel 

Different fuels are taxed at different rates; consequently, the Fuel Tax Credits that can be claimed for them vary.  For instance, the rate for diesel fuel used in heavy vehicles for freight transportation will differ from that of petrol used in a small piece of machinery.  It is crucial to identify the types of fuel you use in your business activities to understand how much you can claim back. 

Intended Use of Fuel 

The purpose for which you are using the fuel is another critical determinant.  For example, on-road transportation typically attracts a different rate than fuel used in machinery or equipment for off-road business activities like construction or agriculture.  The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) often has different rate categories based on the intended use, such as transport, power generation, or non-fuel uses like producing goods. 

GST Registration 

Registering for Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a prerequisite for claiming Fuel Tax Credits.  The amount you claim is then calculated in line with your GST accounting method, either on a cash or accrual basis.  You won’t be eligible to claim Fuel Tax Credits if you’re not registered for GST. 

Fluctuating Rates 

One of the vital things to remember is that the rates for Fuel Tax Credits can change periodically.  The ATO updates these rates typically twice a year, in February and August, to reflect changes in fuel tax legislation and economic factors.  This means the rate you claim this financial quarter might differ from the next. 

What Records Does a Perth Business Accountant Review When Making a Fuel Tax Credit Claim? 

Precision is paramount to ensure tax law compliance when it comes to claiming Fuel Tax Credits.  A slight oversight or omission could result in missed opportunities or compliance issues.  A seasoned Perth tax accountant will review several records in-depth to ensure that your claim is maximized and compliant with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) guidelines.  Here’s an elaboration of the kinds of records commonly scrutinized: 

Receipts or Invoices for Fuel Purchases 

These documents serve as the cornerstone of your Fuel Tax Credit claim.  They provide detailed information about the type of fuel purchased the quantity, the date, and the supplier.  Your accountant will verify the accuracy of these records, cross-referencing them with other financial documents to ensure they are complete and consistent. 

Logbooks or Digital Tracking for Fuel Usage 

Understanding where and how fuel was used is crucial for determining eligibility and the correct rate of the Fuel Tax Credit.  Logbooks or digital tracking systems can offer a time-stamped record of fuel consumption, including the type of activity (e.g., transport, machinery operation) that consumed the fuel.  Some sophisticated systems can even segregate on-road and off-road usage, which may be subject to different rates. 

Business Activity Statements (BAS) 

Your BAS provides an overview of your business’s financial transactions, including fuel expenses and other GST credits.  The accountant will scrutinize this to ensure that your fuel expenses have been accurately recorded and are consistent with other records.  Any discrepancies might require a more detailed investigation to avoid compliance issues. 

Records of Fuel Stored and Used 

Maintaining a record of fuel storage is not just good practice; it’s often essential for a precise claim.  It accounts for any stockpiled fuel that hasn’t yet been used, thereby avoiding inaccurate claims that could lead to over- or under-claiming.  These records should detail when the fuel was bought, how much was stored, and when it was used. 

Additional Records 

Depending on the nature of your business and the complexities involved, your tax accountant may also review: 

  • Equipment manuals or usage guides to ascertain fuel efficiency and usage patterns. 
  • Contracts or agreements related to outsourced transportation or machinery which may impact the claim. 
  • Financial statements to understand the broader financial landscape of your business, aiding in the preparation and validation of the claim. 

Ensuring meticulous record-keeping will not only facilitate a smoother review process.  Still, it can also assist your Perth tax accountant identify areas where you may claim more, thus boosting your business’s cash flow.  Given the intricate rules and frequent rate changes governed by the ATO, having an organized and comprehensive set of records is an asset that can translate into tangible financial benefits. 

How Does Your Perth Tax Accountant Register for Fuel Tax Credits? 

Registering for Fuel Tax Credits is an essential prerequisite to claiming these benefits, and it is a process that involves multiple steps.  Your Perth tax accountant can guide you through this process to ensure it’s done correctly and efficiently.  Here’s a more in-depth look at how a Perth business accountant generally registers a business for Fuel Tax Credits. 

  • Check Eligibility Criteria 

Before anything else, it’s crucial to establish whether your business meets the eligibility requirements for Fuel Tax Credits.  This entails an in-depth understanding of your business’s nature and the fuel types you use.  Your accountant will review your business activities, the types of fuel consumed, and the intended use of this fuel to determine eligibility. 

  • Register for GST 

Registering for Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a mandatory step before you can apply for Fuel Tax Credits.  If your business is not GST-registered, your tax accountant can facilitate this process by filing the necessary forms and providing documentation to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). 

  • Choose the Right Form or Online Service 

After confirming eligibility and ensuring GST registration, the next step involves choosing the method for registering for Fuel Tax Credits.  Your accountant can opt for an online submission via the ATO’s Business Portal or fill out the relevant paper forms. 

Online Method: This is often the most straightforward and quick method.  Your accountant will log in to the ATO’s online services and navigate to the section where you can register for various tax credits and benefits, including Fuel Tax Credits. 

Paper Forms: Some businesses prefer or are required to go through the paper-based method, often due to specific business needs or lack of online capabilities.  Your accountant will fill out the necessary forms and send them to the ATO for processing. 

  • Additional Documentation 

Sometimes, the ATO may require supplementary documentation to validate your registration.  This could include details of your business activities, types of fuel purchased, and the machinery or equipment in which the fuel is used.  Your accountant will ensure that all relevant documents are in place for a hassle-free registration process. 

  • Confirmation and Record-keeping 

Once the registration process is complete, the ATO will generally send a confirmation.  It’s advisable to keep this documentation on file, as it may be required for future claims or compliance checks. 

By understanding and following these steps, your Perth tax accountant can seamlessly register your business for Fuel Tax Credits.  This is the first crucial step towards reclaiming some of the fuel tax costs and thereby enhancing your business cash flow.   

After registering and gathering all the necessary documentation, your Perth tax accountant can claim the Fuel Tax Credits through your regular Business Activity Statement (BAS). 

Do You Pay Income Tax on Fuel Tax Credits? 

When discussing Fuel Tax Credits with your Perth tax accountant, one common question is whether these credits are subject to income tax.  The straightforward answer is yes, Fuel Tax Credits constitute assessable taxable income for your business and, therefore, are subject to income tax from the ATO.  However, it’s essential to note that while Fuel Tax Credits increase your assessable income, they also reduce your effective fuel expenses.  When you claim Fuel Tax Credits, your fuel costs decrease, so the net impact is often a wash when calculating taxable profits. 

For instance, let’s say your business incurs $10,000 in fuel expenses, and you claim $2,000 in Fuel Tax Credits.  Your net fuel cost would then be $8,000.  The $2,000 received as Fuel Tax Credits on your income statement would increase your income, but your expenses would show the $10,000 net fuel cost.  Therefore, the ultimate impact on your taxable income would be neutral. 

It’s also crucial to note that because Fuel Tax Credits form part of your assessable income, they must be declared when filing your business’s income tax return.  Failing to do so could lead to compliance issues and potential penalties from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). 

Because of the dual impact of Fuel Tax Credits—increasing your income while simultaneously reducing your fuel costs—it’s imperative to consult with a qualified tax accountant.  They can ensure that your financial statements and tax returns accurately reflect these transactions, thereby keeping your business in full compliance with tax laws. 

Do You Pay GST on the Receipt of a Fuel Tax Credit? 

One of the key considerations for any Small to Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) in Perth when claiming Fuel Tax Credits is the Goods and Services Tax (GST) implications.  A common misconception is that because you must be registered for GST to claim Fuel Tax Credits, they must also attract GST upon receipt.  This is not the case; Fuel Tax Credits are, in fact, GST-free. 

GST Registration Requirement 

While GST registration is a prerequisite for claiming Fuel Tax Credits, the credit itself is not subject to GST.  This requirement is to streamline the tax compliance process, as GST and Fuel Tax Credit claims are usually processed together in the Business Activity Statement (BAS).  Being registered for GST is an essential criterion for eligibility, but once you’ve received the Fuel Tax Credit, it is not increased by adding GST, nor is it reduced by deducting GST. 

Implications for Your Accounting Records 

Because Fuel Tax Credits are GST-free, they should be recorded separately in your accounting system to ensure they’re not mistakenly included in your business’s GST calculations.  Keeping the entries distinct will prevent any reporting errors when you’re preparing your BAS or undergoing an audit by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). 

Impact on Cash Flow and Liabilities 

It’s crucial to understand the GST-free nature of Fuel Tax Credits when calculating your business’s cash flow and tax liabilities.  The credit will directly reduce fuel expenses without creating an additional GST liability.  This is advantageous because it simplifies the accounting and compliance aspects of claiming the credit, making maximizing the cash flow benefits for your Perth SME easier. 

How Do You Record a Fuel Tax Credit in the Financial Statements? 

Recording Fuel Tax Credits in the financial statements is critical for any Small to Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) in Perth.  How these credits are recorded can have implications for both the income statement and balance sheet, and it may even affect how the business is assessed for creditworthiness or valued for sale.  Here’s a closer look at the two primary ways Fuel Tax Credits can be recorded in your financial statements, along with some considerations for each. 

Recording as Other Income 

One way to record Fuel Tax Credits is by including them under ‘Other Income’ in the income statement.  This method increases the total revenue for the period, which can enhance the profitability metrics of the business.  When Fuel Tax Credits are recorded as other income, they must also be included as assessable income for tax purposes, which, as discussed earlier, is required under Australian Taxation Office (ATO) guidelines. 


  • Makes the business appear more profitable on paper, which could be beneficial for obtaining loans or attracting investors. 
  • Simplifies the accounting process when separating operational income from other financial benefits. 


  • Could inflate revenue figures, potentially leading to misinterpretation of business performance. 

Recording as a Reduction in Expenses 

Alternatively, Fuel Tax Credits can be recorded as a reduction in the fuel expenses line item on the income statement.  This method does not increase revenue but reduces the reported expenses, also positively affecting net profit.  It offers a more accurate depiction of the operational costs related to fuel consumption. 


  • Provides a clearer picture of the actual operational costs by directly offsetting the fuel expenses. 
  • Simplifies budgeting and financial analysis processes by showing reduced expenses. 


  • Does not increase the top-line revenue, which some stakeholders might focus on. 

If your family business is a large reporting entity and required to prepare general-purpose financial reports with ASIC you will look at AASB 120 which will ordinarily require that the fuel tax credits be shown as revenue.   

How Do You Correct a Fuel Tax Credit Mistake? 

Mistakes in claiming Fuel Tax Credits can happen for various reasons, from simple data entry errors to misunderstandings of the rules and regulations set forth by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).  Regardless of the reason, correcting these errors is crucial for compliance and to avoid possible penalties.  Here’s a detailed look at the steps we, as Perth business accountants, generally take to correct a mistake in claiming Fuel Tax Credits. 

Identifying the Error 

The first step in the correction process is identifying the mistake itself.  This could be a discrepancy between the amount claimed and the actual eligible amount or even an instance where Fuel Tax Credits were claimed erroneously for ineligible activities or fuels.  Reviewing past Business Activity Statements (BAS), invoices, and receipts can help identify these mistakes. 

Often a client or new client will prepare the BAS themselves with their team or outsource the process to an online cloud accounting bookkeeper.   Whatever the way the BAS is lodged, a Perth business accountant should always review the fuel tax credit claim, check it against records and then provide written tax advice about the fuel tax credit compliance.   

Revising a Previously Lodged Business Activity Statement (BAS) 

One of the most common ways to correct an error is by revising a previously lodged BAS where the mistake occurred.  The BAS provides details of your GST liabilities and claims, including Fuel Tax Credits.  Your Perth business accountant can electronically amend the relevant BAS through ATO’s online services or the accounting software supporting this feature. 


  • Quick and relatively simple. 
  • No need for additional paperwork in most cases. 


  • May trigger an ATO review or audit, particularly for large adjustments. 
  • Limited to amendments for specific periods, based on ATO guidelines. 

Lodging an Amendment Request to the ATO 

If the mistake is complex or involves multiple reporting periods, lodging an amendment request directly with the ATO might be necessary.  This often involves a formal written submission detailing the nature of the mistake, the corrected figures, and any additional documentation required. 


  • Allows for complex corrections that may not be easily amended through a revised BAS. 
  • Provides an opportunity to offer an explanation, which could be useful in avoiding penalties. 


  • Generally, a longer process. 
  • May require additional documentation and verification. 

Record-keeping and Future Compliance 

After correcting the mistake, updating your records to reflect the accurate information is crucial.  Documenting the correction process can also serve as a learning experience to improve future compliance.   This is an area where your business CFO is critical to streamline operations.   

By taking prompt and accurate steps to correct mistakes in claiming Fuel Tax Credits, you align with regulatory compliance and ensure the financial integrity of your Perth SME. 

In conclusion, claiming Fuel Tax Credits can significantly boost the cash flow of a Perth SME.  With proper understanding and professional guidance, this financial incentive can be a game-changer for your business. 

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