
Five expenses you can’t claim as a tax deduction

By Westcourt Blogger

As the countdown begins to Australia’s tax return lodgment date, many individuals in the country may be hurrying to find a few extra possible tax deductions to claim.

However, in the rush before the deadline, it is important not to waste time claiming deductions for expenses or items that are commonly thought of as tax deductible, but are knocked back by the ATO.

Volunteer work: Individuals cannot claim tax-deductions for expenditures while volunteering for charities or other not-for-profit organisations e.g. petrol used when driving out to help community efforts.

Police clearance and record checks: While some checks are required as a prerequisite to secure certain types of employment, the cost of these checks are not allowable deductions (the reason being that the cost is incurred at a point that is too soon to be associated with the employment income).

Vaccinations: Individuals, even those who work for certain airlines, cannot claim deductions for the cost of vaccinations against diseases they may come in contact with during the course of earning an income.

Driver’s licence: Even if it is a condition of a person’s employment, the cost of a driver’s licence is not an allowable deduction.

Eviction of a tenant: Expenses incurred by rental property owners when raising eviction proceedings against a tenant are not allowed as a tax deduction to the property owner.

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