Strategies to fix the superannuation imbalance
By Westcourt Blogger Those living in households where one spouse has a much lower super balance may want to start considering their options as to how to even up the superannuation imbalance. In Australia, many couples and families have at least one member with limited finances due to taking time off work to raise a […]
Overview of revised super contribution proposals

The Government has announced some changes to the superannuation proposals originally announced in the May 2016 Federal Budget. While these are just proposals, and therefore not law, it is likely that they will be introduced into Parliament as a Bill. The Coalition’s proposal is to reduce the existing annual non-concessional (after-tax) contributions cap from $180,000 […]
The importance of diversification in an SMSF

Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) that are not well diversified are quite risky investments since they aren’t as protected as they could be against shocks and volatility in the market. Diversification aims to maximise an individual’s return by investing in different asset classes that react differently to the same event. Although it does not guarantee avoiding […]
Getting started with an SMSF

Starting a self-managed super fund (SMSF) may be a good idea for those after more control over investment choices and fund running costs. However, those considering an SMSF need to ask themselves some key questions such as: if they can do a better job investing their super than the trustees of their existing super fund […]