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high income threshold

New high income threshold

The Fair Work Commission has increased the high income threshold for unfair dismissals from $136,700 to $138,900 per annum, with effect from 1 July 2016. Under the Fair Work Act 2009, employees who exceed earnings above the high income threshold are not entitled to make an unfair dismissal claim against their employer, unless they are […]
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ATO advice for SMSFs with related-party loans

ATO advice for SMSFs with related-party loans

The ATO has recently provided recommendations for self-managed super funds (SMSF) trustees with related party LRBAs that are lodging before the 31 January 2017 compliance deadline. The Tax Office stated that the relevant income of an SMSF is considered NALI (non-arm’s length income), and should be reported as such in the SMSF’s 2016 annual return, […]
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Five reasons to write a Will

By Westcourt Blogger Those who don’t have a valid Will are overlooking a significant opportunity to plan for their family’s future. Writing a Will can help when distributing assets upon death, choosing executors, setting out funeral arrangements and even appointing guardians for infant children. While many Australians already have a Will, a number of those […]
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Getting started with an SMSF

Starting a self-managed super fund (SMSF) may be a good idea for those after more control over investment choices and fund running costs. However, those considering an SMSF need to ask themselves some key questions such as: if they can do a better job investing their super than the trustees of their existing super fund […]
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ato crackdown

ATO crackdown on work-related expenses

The ATO is currently targeting work-related expenses by taking a closer look at unusual deductions and claims that are higher than expected. The Tax Office will be looking for expense claims that are much higher than others who are in the same occupation and will be contacting employers to validate these claims. When claiming work-related […]
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debt financing vs equity financing

The difference between debt and equity financing

Business owners now have a variety of financing resources they can utilise to build their business. But what one is the best option? Sources of funding sources are usually divided into two categories; debt and equity. Debt financing involves borrowing money from an outside source and paying back the borrowed amount plus the interest at […]
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