

Read on to understand us better. ​
Partnership Taxation

Everything About Partnership Taxation

Small, medium, and large businesses and accountants around Perth often use the humble tax partnership.  However, the taxation of partnerships is rarely discussed or explained in detail, even though they are so prevalent.  In this blog, we will explain what a partnership is, how it operates, and how it is taxed. What is a partnership? […]
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Family Business

13 Key Points When Selling the Family Business

Every successful family business has an exit point planned well in advance – either selling to an outsider or the next generation.  However, getting a successful sales outcome is difficult and takes significant planning.  In this blog we focus on 13 key points that family business owners in Perth should consider when they considering Perth […]
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Commercial Real Estate

How to Acquire Commercial Real Estate through Your SMSF

When considering the purchase of commercial real estate via your Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF), and potentially leasing it back to your own business, it’s essential to be aware that this process resembles a standard real estate acquisition.  However, specific steps with the help and support of your Perth SMSF tax accountant must be adhered to […]
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Franking Credits

What are Franking Credits and How Do they Work? 

Franking credits are essentially refunds given to shareholders of Australian companies.  Since these companies have already paid taxes on their earnings, the concept is to prevent double taxation of the same profits for the shareholders.  Hence, investors receive a tax credit for these dividends at tax time.  Investors typically enjoy franking credits when their Perth […]
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Tax effectively giving to your children

Tax Effectively Giving to Your Children at Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, many families in business are talking to their Perth tax accountants about how to give money to their children tax effectively. Is it a gift or a loan? When parents decide to transfer money to their children, it’s crucial to determine if the transfer is a gift or a […]
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Carbon Accounting Emissions

Scope 3 Carbon Accounting Emissions for Perth SME’s  

Many Small and Medium Sized Businesses are being requested to report on their Carbon Accounting Emissions for their group of companies.  What is Carbon Accounting for my Group?  Carbon accounting involves calculating and accounting for a business’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to assess its carbon footprint within defined emissions boundaries.  This process includes measuring emissions […]
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