

Read on to understand us better. ​

How GST affects offshore SME’s in Australia

As a non-resident SME doing business in Australia or operating with an Australian investment portfolio, GST is a tax that many SMEs consider very important. Managing your GST and BAS obligations is essential if your Australian SME operations are in Perth or across Australia.  If you do not properly manage your GST obligations, the cost […]
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How to Build a 3-way Forecast in Excel

What is a Three-Way Forecast? A three-way forecast, also known as the three financial statements model, is a financial tool that consolidates three essential reports into a single, comprehensive forecast. It integrates your financial statements – your Profit & Loss statement (income statement), balance sheet, and cash flow projections to provide a holistic view of […]
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Tax Consolidation

Tax consolidation: 7 benefits and downsides for Perth SME’s

The tax consolidation rules in Part 3-90 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 offer Perth SME’s and their business accountants a range of benefits. This is especially so for private groups, family businesses, and small to medium enterprises (SMEs). The article will address the following topics: A. Pro’s and Con’s of Forming a Consolidated […]
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Family Trust

Family Trust Elections and Family Trust Distribution Tax: What You Need to Know

Family Trust Elections (FTEs) and Family Trust Distribution Tax (FTDT) have been integral components of Australia’s income tax framework since 1998. While tax professionals across Perth, such as lawyers and accountants, should be well-versed in these concepts, it’s essential not to let familiarity lead to complacency. As families evolve and children grow, establishing new tax, […]
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Australian Company

6 Options to Close an Australian Company

Closing a company in Australia is a decision that requires thorough planning and strict compliance with legal requirements. Whether driven by part of a succession of the family business, financial difficulties, taxation, strategic realignments, or other factors, understanding the available options that a Perth business accountant can employ will make a more streamlined process for […]
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Inheritance Tax

Managing Australian Death Taxes: Essential Insights for Estate Planning

A common misconception is that Australia has no inheritance tax. While that is technically true, it is not the case in practice. The death of a loved one almost always raises a raft of tax issues and triggers events that have a tax implication or trigger a tax event. As Perth tax accountants, tax planning […]
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